Patient Paperwork Patient Paperwork Patient Paperwork Please fill out the fields below to complete your Bridgeland Dentistry patient paperwork. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. You must complete each page fully before you can move to the next page. Clicking any “Agree” field constitutes your electronic signature, signifying your intent to sign the applicable section, page or document (as applicable), to be as fully binding as if you had entered your signature by non-electronic means. Patient Information - Page 1 of 7 Last Name * First Name * Middle Initial Preferred Name * How did you hear about us? Select OneInsuranceOnlineFlyer/EventFamily/FriendOther If Family/Friend, who referred you? If Other, please explain. Social Security Number * Date of Birth * Marital Status * Select OneMarriedSingleSeparatedDivorcedWidowed Biological Sex * Select OneMaleFemale Email - If you provide an email address, a copy of this paperwork will be emailed to that address. Phone - Required * Phone Type - Required * Select OneCellWorkHome Other Phone Other Phone Type Select OneCellWorkHome Home Address * Home Address Line 2 City * State * ZIP Code * Employer Information Employer Work Phone Work Address Work City Work State Work ZIP Code Emergency Contact Emergency Contact * Relation * Phone * Primary Dental Insurance Information Do You Have Dental Insurance? Yes No Name of Insurance Company * Phone Address City State ZIP Code Policy Number * Group Number If Patient is Not the Primary Insured Are You the Primary Insured? * Yes No First and Last Name of Primary Insured * Relationship to Patient * Address if Different From the Patient Address * City * State * ZIP Code * Social Security Number of Primary Insured * Email Address of Primary Insured Employer of Primary Insured * Phone Number of Primary Insured * Work Phone If you are human, leave this field blank. Next